Always a gamble with the old Premium Bonds, but I can't complain this year.

It's been a good week on the post front; very fruitful. Having said that, it's always a depressing moment when the annual P60 arrives. It came today. I'll need more frequent ERNIE wins to recover the funds I've lost to tax!

In other news I babysat Jacob for a couple of hours after work. His mum and dad left him for the first time (no pressure!!) five weeks and six days after they welcomed him into the world. He had a little big cry about 90 minutes into proceedings, but a quick nappy change sorted that out. His mum is feeding him, so they weren't too long, but the little fella was snoozing away like an old man when they returned to resume their duties. A nice bottle of white is chilling in my fridge as a result.

Babysitting for wine. Yes, I think I could get used to that little arrangement!!

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