...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


OK...this was a wonderful day. With the boss's blessing, I took today off. I had my 'second job' backing up behind me, and in the back of my mind, it was ALWAYS lingering.

I slept in til 7:10. YEAH, what a treat! Got up, made the bed, got dressed, had a little breakfast and got to work. I knocked out all the things I set out to do. I even tossed in a 2.5 mile run, a shower, lunch, cleaned the bathroom and a blip!
I will see Mama Bear tonight to show her the photo shoot of baby girl bear.

Yes, I have successfully, UNWOUND!!! I feel good. I need to do this more often!
Anyone want to talk to my boss and husband for me??? Humph...well, at least I got today.

Recharge...unwind!!! :]

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