Hot Air Balloons

Three hoorays for the Blue Bulls, they beat the Crusaders (NZ) in the semi final Super14's game just now!! Bulls are Tops!! Final next Saturday at Orlando Stadium in Soweto, not sure who's going to be the other team, the Stormes and Waratahs are busy playing at the moment!

Both the R's and I are Blue Bull supporters and C is a Stormer!! Life can be tough in this household some days!! Hehehe!! Next Saturday may just be a vérrrrrry difficult day here!!

I was quite surprised to see this hot air balloon só close this morning! I was sitting at my computer, looking up out of my bedroom window, and here he was, just above my neighbour's house! I took over a hundred shots, because I noticed the flames from time to time and wanted to be sure I caught the flames!! I am quite chuffed with this effort!! ;-)

I noticed a second one, and wanted to wait and see if I could capture them in one frame, would've been quite nice, but to my surprise, he lost altitude and disappeared between houses a few km's from here, don't know if he had problems because it is not a standard landing place for them!?

BIG IS BETTER, as usual!! ;-)

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