Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

The Laundry Basket Has Feet!!

Sorry for the two kitty photos in a row but this one was too cute to pass up.

Last night was a total nightmare. The cats were awake pretty much the entire night and, in turn, kept us up all night too. :( The thought it was great they got the run of the flat (normally they get crated at night). So decided they were going to treat us to an evening of bombing about the flat, fighting and caterwauling.

So woke up this morning quite tired and groggy which wasn't too nice. :(

A's day has been made better though by buying a new camera. A D7 I think but not too sure.

Takes pretty pictures. ;)

So now we're just watching the final of Over the Rainbow and letting our dinner ease before moving onto the cherry pie. ;)

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