Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Roadside Waterfall

Today was a sad day. My husband and I have a friend murdered May 12th in Lowell, Oregon. He was only 41 and is survived by 2 children and his wife. We went to his memorial this afternoon. He was a wonderful person and there must have been 500 people at his memorial service. It was held at the fairgrounds. It was a wonderful memorial and if you can imagine the tears that were flowing when 500 people sang a song together. Here is part of the song; it has a beautiful melody:

Life, like a mist, appears for just a day,
Them disappears tomorrow.
All that we are can quickly fade away,
Replaced with tears and sorrow.
If a man should die, can he live again?
Hear the promise God has made:

He will call; The dead will answer.
They shall live at his command.
For he will have a longing
For the work of his own hand.
So have faith, and do not wonder,
For our God can make us stand.
And we shall live forever,
As the work of his own hand.

There was hardly a dry eye anywhere. We shall remember K always as such a loving and kind man.

After such an emotional experience, my husband and I headed home and stopped to eat at the Olive Garden. We hadn't been there in a long time. I took a lot of photo shots on the way home, and then we stopped in Winchester Bay and it was freezing cold. I stood outside, though, waiting for the perfect shot, but it just didn't happen.

This shot was one that I took on the trip up to Eugene to attend the memorial service. It was just this little roadside waterfall; if I would have blinked, I would have missed it. During the summer, it is all dried up to a trickle, but right now, with all this rain, it was really dumping the water.

Best see large

Hope you all have a wonderful evening, and I hope all you and yours are well today.

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