Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Iris among the weeds

I had a very busy day today. Sundays should not be so busy. I did have time to put my feet up in the evening and work on a puzzle I have been working on for about a month.

I love puzzles, but it used to be so much easier to find time to work on them. Now days, If I find 5 pieces a day, it's a reason to jump for joy. I was able to finish the puzzle tonight, but wouldn't you know, there was a piece right in the center that was missing. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that my husband ran into my puzzle board and scattered pieces everywhere a few weeks ago.

This shot of the iris was at friends house. I told her I wanted to get some shots of her flowers, and she said "You mean my weeds?" Well, I got a little of both. I thought it made a nice contrast. Her husband has a new hobby---making beer, so, as we were waiting in the car for him to get a pill for his aches and pains, he brought my husband and I out two different kinds of beers. One was a pale ale and the other, for me, was a chocolate coffee beer. Well, we went home and had beer and pizza. I was a little worried about drinking beer with chocolate and coffee in it in the evening because I am so sensitive to caffeine, but, my friend's husband has assured me that it shouldn't bother me. I guess I should have called him sometime between 2:00 - 5:00 when I was awake.

I had to back blip this photo, because I was up until 11:00 trying to get the internet to work. I finally called the cable company and they made an appointment to come Monday morning. I hope it gets fixed in time for me to add my Monday photo. Have a great Monday Monday.

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