Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Happy Anniversary

Today is the 8th wedding anniversary for my husband and I. We are so bad at celebrating our day and tend to nearly always forget. So this year, like every year before, we pretty much forgot. I worked all day, and he left for work an hour ago. It is now 7:05 p.m., and I have made no special dinner.

On another note, my oldest decided to throw his own party this evening. I was outside looking for some flowers to photo, and when I walked back to the deck, I found this. Now he constructed this with great care I realized as he began to tell me all about it.

There are little tissues under each stuffed animal to help them stay clean. There are cups on their heads as party hats. He has placed a number of Lincoln logs (candles) on top of the plastic cake and is serving fake cookies and brownies. There is also a piece of paper as a place mat and a large fork available to me for eating. It was a special evening indeed.

This flower doesn't really compare to what he created I suppose now that I write this. But I'm too tired to switch them out. :)

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