
By Sox

Tie a White Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree..

This street has 52 trees assigned for removal. It seems a tragedy and even now on the worst of days, they have a magnificant beauty. Apparently new drains are required. Today I did not see major signs of flooding even though it has hosed down for about 72 hours non stop so far. Surely a good test?? Councils and their decisions.
i have desaturated the colour a bit and darkened the trees as it just seemed to be appropriate. I left the little house as it is quite cute and shows the era of the trees to be about 80 years old.
I dont know if the white tags around the trees are for the ones to be saved, or the ones condemned. Not quite the yellow ribbon that you think of in that old song about staying on the bus/ forget about us/ put the blame on me etc.
looks good in large format

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