Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Anniversary Week Day 2

This is Anniversary Week at "Fun"ville. Thanks for all the comments yesterday. Here's the next page and another little piece of the story.

Our "Anniversary-Wedding Fever," or maybe that's "Passion," started the summer that we had just celebrated our 9th anniversary.

It was a warm July Saturday in Santa Barbara when my best friend, Marsha (in the photos above), married Paul. He would be her second husband. She would be his first wife. Paul is the older brother of Michael, one of Mr. Fun's best friends. A month later we were in the San Francisco Bay area for Michael's wedding. He married the love of his life and partner for many years, Terri, in a beautiful church setting in Moraga with the reception at the Claremont Hotel in the Berkeley hills.

At Michael & Terri's exquisite August reception, Mr. Fun wrapped his arms around me and said, "Why don't we get married again for our 10th anniversary next May?" My casual response was, "Yeah, sure!" I had never given that idea much thought. That was the beginning of turning our anniversary into a grand celebration.

Quite frankly, we were so surprised to still be married because 9 years earlier no one gave us a chance in a million--he was 19 and I was 15 and we had a baby on the way. We were drowning in trouble. I dropped-out of my sophomore year of high school. He went to work fulltime. The first ten years were anything but amazing. The Vietnam War was raging. Politicians were assasinated. Woodstock put a definition on music. Almost every friend who had gotten married after us, had divorced by our 9th anniversary.

We do not have a "perfect" marriage (as one dear blipper wrote in yesterday's comments), and I have no glass slippers. Staying married has required hard work and sometimes pure stubbornness. We discovered way back in that "summer of two weddings" that celebrating with a capital C was and is vital.

So whenever possible we celebrate, and we certainly do the 29th of every month and even more so on the 29th of May. We are going to celebrate this Saturday, but we haven't told anyone; well, except our Blip family. Keep it quiet, okay?

"Marriage is like twirling a baton, turning handsprings, or eating with chopsticks. It looks easy till you try it." ~~Helen Rowland

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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