Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Another rug bites the dust ...

Bluddy horses costing me a bluddy fortune.

This rug lasted 2 days - put it on Lime to keep the flies off his sarcoids, but he obviously didn't appreciate the thought and has got one of his mates to give him a hand to get it off!

Another day poorly sick at home. Slept and slept and slept and read almost a whole book and now feeling much better. Mike and Rich went climbing tonight so I rang Lorraine and they came for dinner- made Thai green curry. Yum. Had to sit in garden with lots of candles cos dining table still covered in all the stuff that should be in the kitchen! Ran out of beer so went to pub - not been in there a while. More new owners - must be about the seventh lot in five years. Lets hope these ones can make the pub as good as it used to be.

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