Saturday Night in ...
Ever had a day where you wish you could rewind and start again?!
I had one of those ...
We 'overslept' till 10am, which made me feel like I'd wasted half the day. My friend then came round for coffee with her little boy and that was a nice part of the day, but we were supposed to have made a start on the grouting anmd have a break for coffee, not just have gotten up. Over lunch, I accidently let slip to Mike where I am taking him next weekend for his 'surprise' treat to celebrate our first wedding anniversay after keeping it to myself for months and months and months :0(
Then we had to start the grouting of the kitchen tiles and it went very very slowly indeed. So we decided to go to B&Q to get another squeegy thingy so we could both grout at the same time and we also bought some paint because I had some mad idea we were going to get the grouting finished and also do the first coat of paint tonight ... Ha ha ha.
By the time got back from B&Q, it was time to go to the yard. I rode Lime because he has not been ridden since Monday and I felt I had to, but I didn't enjoy it. Tried out my new saddle and it felt wierd and Lime was spooky at everything and jarred my back. I was tired and grouchy and spent agaes faffing with the saddle. Got home and Mike said we had run out of grout so we couldn't finish off the tiles and when cleaning off the walls ready to paint, all the paint flaked off down to the plaster so now we have to seal the walls before we can paint - another job we just don't need. God I hate DIY.
We started to cook dinner only to find we didn't have all the ingredients. AND my bluddy ipod is knackered, we've been through all the trouble shooting stuff to no avail and it has to be sent away at a cost of £160!! i am the most skint I have ever been what with vets bills and paying for next weekend and buying a new saddle that I can't afford and I've still got a stinking rotten cold. Hope tomorrow is happier!
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