The Laws

By thelaws

Oh dear!

Our village had their annual Garden Club Show today. I've never entered before - but been told its really quite busy and quite a high standard. However I decided I would enter 4 photos plus a couple of items in the cookery section.

Took them up earlier - the hall didn't seem that busy, but it was early. Anyway the general viewing was from 2pm, so I went up about 2:30 - the hall was virtually empty. Hardly any entries... as a result I won...

Jar of Jam - 1st out of 2 entries
Jar of Curd - 2nd out of 2 entries
Loaf of bread - 1st - only I entered
Swiss Roll - 1st - only I entered

I won the Photography Cup for the most points in the photography section. There were only 5 photos... 4 of which were mine.

The large trophy at the back belongs to my sons primary school who won the Wildlife Garden entry, no one from the school came - so Joe got to collect it on their behalf.

His Craft entry is just in front of it - for which he won 1st - he was the only entrant.

Does no one 'do' these events anymore???

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