Life is good!

By CKQ2010

pretty purple flowers

First - thank you to everyone who has sent comments and kind congratulations for my 100th, it is nice to be noticed and I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to comment.

100 days, 100 blips - It is hard to believe that I have been blipping that long, while at the same time it feels like I've been doing it forever. My day isn't complete anymore without a session with my camera, however brief it may be somedays (like today), and a thoughtful minute or two (or more) spent contemplating the day and writing a blurb to go along with the blip. Even when I am forced to back blip, I find myself keeping a journal of sorts for later posting. I am finding it addictive (I was warned) and refreshing, a creative outlet for my compulsive nature, and all in all, a satisfying endeavor.

Today's flowers are pretty, and I've no idea what they are. I saw them along the fence this morning when I left for my morning jog and thought I needed to come back with the camera. The clouds had rolled in by the time I got back so the sunshine that had them wide open this morning was gone, but they are still pretty. I will admit to being totally sick of blipping flowers but, as Claire said, they are a good standby fallback position. Maybe tomorrow I can be less boring!

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