All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Almond Valley Viaduct

Ethan slept marginally better last night. He went to bed at 9pm but woke at 11pm again and took 2 horrendous hours to settle. But after that slept till 5am so whilst still not great, at least it was a few hours longer than the previous night.

Still, we were busy bees today so that helped take my mind of the tiredness a wee bit.

We started with our first Baby Massage course today. I've had a nightmare getting a place on the course at our local Health Centre which I'm still considering writing to them about to complain as they have been so inefficient. However, Ethan did seem to enjoy the class today, thank goodness. He did embarass me though my wee-ing all over the mat half way through, lol!

We then had 15 minutes to make it down the road to our weekly Baby Sensory class. I was worried it would be too much for him to do the 2 classes so close together but he still seemed to enjoy most of the 2nd class. Especially the part where we had to bounce them up and down on beach balls!

It was then home for a quick lunch and to say hello to Grandpa who had arrived whilst we were out. And then Ethan & I went round to my neighbours house for a cuppa. She moved in a year or so ago but even though our kitchens overlook each other, I couldn't have told you what she looked like until we both had babies and started talking over the garden fence! Her wee boy is about 2 months younger than Ethan so hopefully it will be good having a potential playmate living so close by.

After that, we went for a drive with Grandpa to get todays blip. I've been wanting to blip this viaduct for ages now but my sister beat me to it last year, so I've held off doing my own version for a while. It looks so fresh with the rape seed field in front of it at the moment though that I thought now was the right time.

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