All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Eliburn Park

Well, I had a slightly better night with Ethan last night. He only woke twice and the first time managed to go back to sleep fairly quicly without needing a feed and the 2nd time within 45 mins. Perhaps the massage yesterday helped! Unfortunately hubbie was rather noisy this morning when getting ready for work which woke both Ethan and I up at 6.30am and that was us up for the day!

We had a fairly chilled out day with Grandpa. (Unfortunately Granny wasn't able to come through after all as she wasn't very well). Despite the fact it poured with rain for much of the day, we managed to time 2 walks well and missed the downpours. The first was just a wander to Morrisons in the morning to buy lunch. Then after lunch, we drove to Eliburn to check out the new Eliburn Park. There were still some diggers there finishing off round the football pitches and pavillion, but other than that it looks like it will be a great place for a wander, especially in the summer. We took a walk round the reservoir and through the woods but will check out the toddlers playpark next time! Aside from some fishermen at the reservoir, we didn't see anyone else there. I'm sure it will be a different story in the summer holidays though!

Then a quick stop off at The Centre for a hot chocolate in M&S and then we waved goodbye to Grandpa as he boarded the bus to Glasgow.

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