Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Today mum (shes the one in the very arty stripy cardie trying to pretend she hasn't noticed I'm taking pictures) and I were were at a class on Abstract Art. Its much harder than you would imagine to do something that really doesn't look like anything! (Nope, looks like a face, nope, looks like a fish, nope, sailboat. Hmmmm...) Of course, I'm an expert at this - but only when I'm trying very hard to make it look like something...

It was loads of fun though, especially as there were lots of familiar faces from our thursday art group so we had plenty of laughs getting to grips with it (our thursday group is quite a bit more about chat and giggles than it is about painting, just adds to the arty atmosphere I feel ;).

In the end I quite liked what I did (you can't quite see it - its mid-right in the photo, a white background with blue, purple and green shapes) and it was really interesting seeing how differently everyone interpreted the exercise. Really makes you think about composition and how your eye is drawn into a piece. So while I wont be producing any abstract masterpieces in the near future, it may have a bit of an impact on the structure of my weird landscapes!

However most likely I'll just do what I already do - cross my fingers and hope it turns out all right eventually :)

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