
By yourdearsister

Meet Ville, a Birman cat.

Today I surprised my daughter Sandra with visiting a home for homeless cats.

As I told you before we have a cat, Pelle. Pelle is unfortunately very fastidious about catfood and cattoys. I had a plastic bag filled with food and toys which Pelle doesn't except to give as a present to the homeless cats. The owner of this home was very happy with this stuff. She invited us to take a look at all the cats and that was really an experience! The oldest cat is about 13 years old and the youngest only one week, the owner showed a little one, oh so cute!

On this picture you see Ville, a 2 year old Birman cat, very charming, kind and good looking!

We went home elated, thinking about all these cats and their backgrounds.
It was so nice, clean, toys to play with, a lot of space for every cat and no smell of cat excrement.
At this home they have a nice life waiting for an adoption and hopefully to get even a better life!
We went home without a cat, it will do with our Pelle.

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