Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

My Dad

I've been sat at the computer for most of the night, the reason being it has been running like a dog with 3 legs, so having spoken to Sarah earlier I decided to de frag, run the mal ware and spy ware programmes and anything else I could think of to declutter the hard drive.

This is my screensaver, my dear Dad, who died over 4 years ago, and not a day goes by without I don't think of him, as probably do the rest of the family. He looks quite well in this picture but he was actually full of steroids which made him put weight on, when he was off the steroids he was very thin.

Today has been a day of 'if only's'. I went to the chiropractor this morning, then headed off to the golf course (yes, stupid, but what the hell). If only I had not played some stupid shots I would have won the money. The winner came in with 35 points and I had 32, never mind. After the golf we all piled into a local cafe and had a full english and tea for 2 euros 50 cents. Excellent value.

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