Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

Mrs Duck

After a busy day today polyurethaning our new kitchen floor, buying new tubs for the laundry, and helping a friend bore holes for his new deck, we arrived home this afternoon to find 2 ducks in our garden. Quite unusual given that we have a small section on the side of a hill.

The kids of course LOVE ducks and it was very welcome distraction for Hannah who is missing mummy (who has just arrived in France after 30 hours of travel). Half a loaf of bread later the ducks we're pretty full I'd guess, and with 2 small children they eventually had enough of being "stalked" and flew away. "We must have scared them ..." the kids said - probably, although I also stalked them for a photo ;-) Hard things to photograph I'd have to say, or when they are eating anyway.

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