Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Charlies here!!!

I met my now best friend Jayne when I was approx 6 months pregnant with Jack and Erin and she was not far off having my now Goddaughter Amelia. She introduced me to Sarah (who was at her antenatal classes) and baby Charlie about a week before I had the twins. About 8 weeks after that I also was introduced to Catherine and Eliza (also from her antenatal) and Alex who was met at baby weigh in. We became a group who went to the same baby clubs and met for lunch once a week. We shared every aspect of being new mothers and I believe these very special ladies played a key role in me surviving the first year of being a mother to twins. I have never felt closer to friends as I do them, we bonded very quickly and very strongly.
Last year sadly Sarah, her husband and Charlie moved to Australia (Sarahs home) and we have missed them so much. We have kept in touch mainly through facebook and have waited impatiently for them to come back for a visit.
Today we got our wish and Sarah and Charlie walked through my door this afternoon. Within minutes it was like they had never been gone and the children got on as well as they ever did. Infact Erin and Charlie bonded very quickly and shared a kiss (they were infact each others first kiss before they left). Very cute. This is them all sat in the restaurant where Jayne works when we all popped into see her too.
On Sunday we are all spending the day together again as a group plus the two new additions that Catherine and Alex have had since sarah moved. I can't wait.

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