Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Ear cleaning

Kerr absolutely loves having his ears cleaned with a cotton safety bud. He pulls the most ridiculous faces, and it's about the only time he lies completely still these days!

Granny and Grandad dropped Kerr back home with us at lunchtime today. He seemed to love his sleepover, and slept for 13 hours overnight, then over an hour nap this morning. He obviously wasn't phased by being in a different cot, and didn't seem to miss us at all!

We've had quite a lazy day. I managed to get some housework done this morning, then had a wee nap in the afternoon while Kerr was napping. Bliss! We then went for a walk and visited the local horses and donkey again. Time for a Chinese takeaway now and an early night, after last night's galavanting.

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