
We had a good day today visiting family. We started off at Granny and Grandad's house where we caught up with them and Kerr's Auntie Hazel who was also there.

We then headed to Auntie J, Uncle C and cousins T, M and F's house for lunch and a good play with their toys. Kerr and cousin F were enjoying the bubble machine. Although they were probably more interested in poking their fingers in the mechanism than looking at the bubbles in the air!

This evening I went to Abigail's dancing show. I was very impressed with how good she was, and pleased that during the 3 hour show she was on stage 6 times so it passed fairly quickly. The tiny class (age 3 and 4) were by far the most amusing - one little girl just waved constantly at the audience and didn't even attempt any dancing at all :-)

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