
By skaterg1rl

appeasement for being a bad mother

i had this funny feeling when i blipped yesterday that i wouldn't be able to maintain my 9/10 for mothering today.

i coped in the morning by letting them bum around in their pjs.

i then skated hard and fast for an hour and felt sweaty and rosy cheeked

but then i met my weekly nemesis. cb1's homework. i was not a very nice mother, let alone person. i find it deeply frustrating as we're both pretty uncertain about what we're doing - add in her day dreamy mood and we're scuppered from the start. but after quite a bit of shouting on my part we found our way.

all was resolved with our first try at treacle tart while cb2 finished off the pastry with jam tarts.

as ever i am now wracked with guilt and worry about whether the plus sides of my parenting out weigh the minuses.

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