Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

This Bug is a Lady

I started the morning by sleeping in until 7:30, I could not believe that I slept in so long. I'm usually wide awake by 5:30, no matter what time I get to bed. So, I went out into the kitchen, and there was a raccoon on our deck. I tried to get some shots of him, but trying to do it through the window just did not work.

I discovered something about by camera by trying to get those shots. Once again, I had forgot to but the memory card back in my camera, and I discovered, something probably everyone else knows; my camera has an internal memory--those shots were saved. I was pretty excited, even though the shots of the raccoon were all bad because they reflected off the window.

I also got a shot of our neighborhood kitty, who just loves hanging around our yard.

Mr. Kitty thinks he is hidden.

The rest of the day was nice, because it was close to 70 degrees, but it was overcast and I had a hard time finding my shot for the day.

I settled on this shot of a lady bug I found crawling around on this daisy. I love daisies. To quote Meg Ryan, in one of my favorite movies, You've Got Mail, "Daisy's are such friendly flowers". They are always perky and bright. That's how I would always like to be, in a perfect world.

Best in large

I think my husband and I are going to take the day tomorrow and see what Bandon has to offer.

Sleep well.

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