Project Oranjer

By oranjer

Sports Day

Today's blip should have been an amazing, vibrant, sharp image of The Boy taking first place in one of the races at his school sports day. There I was, camera in hand, best lens in place and attempting to frame up the shot with an unresponsive camera - I'd left the memory card in the card reader at home. DAMN YOU BLIPFOTO!

So instead, it's one of four photos I managed with the phone. Pretty good for a phone but not quite what I'd had in mind. He's the one crouched over at the front. He's just taken a *massive* jump in his team jump competition to put them in the lead. They finished third due to some cheating by the other teams. Primary 1s, eh?!

Still, it was an excellent day for a sports day - I always said it was a good school and organising their sports day on a day with weather like that just shows their excellence!

And to cap it all off, the spare memory card was in the video camera bag that The Wife had with her.

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