Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Barter Books!

As we were all a little worn out from our busy day yesterday we decided to have a relaxed wander around a second hand bookshop. Now in my experience, second hand book shops have been squeezed in to a shop the size of a postage stamp where you have to squeeze yourself between shelves of books and then can't bend down to view the bottom shelf. But not this bookshop. Barter Books has been built in an old train station, complete with a cafe, open log fires and warm comfy seats to decide on which books to buy. This photo shows around 2% of the store, if that. It was so big they had leaflets with maps in them! I love books and was completely in my element wandering round, the smell of old loved books was fantastic. I may have picked up a "few" books but I felt I deserved them after yesterday's traumatic dunk in the sea.

Once back at the house, neighbours came round for another barbecue and yet more lovely food and wine was drank. Flagging a bit, the afternoon was spent snoozing before heading back to Edinburgh.

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