Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

me and my shadow.......

ok it's an early posting today, or early by my standards. reall just want a stress free night (which obviously won't happen), but at least i don't have to worry about todays blip.
nothing fancy or clever today in fact so simple it almost borders on lazy. i was just standing at the station waiting on yet another train and it suddenly dawned on me that where i was standing was casting a really simple shadow, of me......so out came the camera and well the rest is history. simple it may be but was quite chuffed with the result.
have a good night blippers

p.s. a big thanks to 42(fortytwo) for his tips today, i feel a free plug is the least i can do in return. sorry i don't know how to link folk straight to your page but hey sod it, they can look for themselves.

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