Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Test dig

This morning we were woken by the doorbell at 7.50am. Two guys had arrived to do a test dig in the back garden, for our house extension. They worked away all morning in the sun, then a structural engineer came and had a wee look down the two 1 metre deep holes, said the foundations looked fine, and off he went! Now the two workies are busily filling in the holes again. I was so tempted to ask them if I could blip them, but I chickened out. One looks like a cross between Captain Birdseye and Santa, and the other has a classic 'builder's bum', lol!!

Kerr is becoming a bit too adventurous these days. Today he crawled to the pouffe (I had to check the spelling on that, what a funny word!), pulled himself onto his knees and then onto his feet! He has no sense of balance at all, and before I managed to grab him, he had fallen right back onto the floor and banged his head on the carpet. He cried a fair bit, but I think he just got a fright, because 5 minutes later he was attempting the same manoeuver again! I will clearly need to watch him like a hawk from now on.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I had a meeting at work re my start date etc. Thankfully I got the days I was after (Monday and Tuesday) and I don't start back until 7th September, although will get paid for August as I have holidays to use up. It feels good knowing it is all sorted and I can now enjoy the last 3 months of mat leave, hopefully it will be a long hot summer!

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