Boys' entrance
Ah, the curse of the backblipper... What did I do today?
I know from the photo that I took Katherine to art, and took this shot of the old school entrance while I was waiting for her.
There was also a tense conversation with my broadband provider, when I was able to discover the interesting fact that we have a download limit, which doesn't entirely square with the conversation I had with them 6 months ago when I was sold the package on the basis that there was no download limit. Anyway, this does at least explain why every month the internet gets really really slow. And in more immediate terms explains why I'm backblipping all this as being timed out on uploads was just making me weep. This, and the lack of Radio 4 on my internet radio has made for a week without the comforts of home.*
Normal service resumes with the new month on, oddly, the 3rd.
I knew there was something else. Here's a story to make you feel like there's someone who has worse luck than you. On Thursday Mr B was over in Fife working out a trade-in deal to get us a new car. The car he wanted needed a repair to get through its MOT so Mr B came home in our old car, with an arrangement to go back on Monday to swap it for the new car.
I was away with our most-working-car, so Mr B took the old-about-to-be-traded-in-car out on Saturday. And the chassis dropped off. Him and Conor had to walk about 5 miles home. And the AA wouldn't come out and help with a tow because Mr B mentioned that it might have been hitting a pothole that did it. (Apparently hitting a pothole counts as a 'collision' - how can you collide with something that's not there? "Sorry I'm going to be late, I collided with an absence of road." So how come they come out to repair flat tyres? Most of which are surely caused by 'collisions' with broken glass, kerbs, or nails.) So, remember not to mention 'potholes' when you call the AA. Or better yet, find a recovery firm that actually recovers cars when they fall to pieces.
The most annoying thing about it all, was when I went back along the road to check, there are actually no potholes there at all.
Anyway, Monday night saw the Police at our door asking why our car had been abandoned, and Tuesday morning saw me hotfooting it to the Garage to get them to get the car off the side of the road before the Police came to tow it. They managed to drive it back to the garage by propping the chassis up with a block of wood. Got to love local garages.
Got to not love the bad luck that means the chassis dropped off two days before we traded it in, rather than two days after.
I seem to have gone on somewhat...
*For the benefit of regular readers, I've also forsworn wine for the week. So the three building blocks of my life are gone.
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