Red Campion
Another glorious day here in East Lothian, and already the weather backlash has started. Two of the people I often pass the time of day with on my way to or from school commented on how it was a bit hot really. Mind you, they're the kind of folk who wear the same outfit (overcoat and scarf) whatever the weather so maybe they feel the heat more!
Went for a walk/cycle on the railway path by Longniddry to help Katherine get her cycle legs. Not such a good experience today: there seemed to be more falling off and crying than yesterday. I think we may have put the pedals on too prematurely so we'll take them off again and let her have more practice at balancing first. Still, she's perservering through the pain which I have a lot of respect for.
I was trying to take the pressure off her by not really watching, and pretending to take photos of flowers. Here's one of the pretend photos.
Backblipped from the weekend if you'd like to click back - too lazy for links tonight!
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