Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Flowers in Nescafe Jar and my other bits and bobs

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Another busy day. Day 2 of the course is always a bit stressful. Our trainee teachers all taught 20 mins yesterday to real adult students learning English. Now 20 mins may not seem a lot, it IS when you haven't taught before and you stand up there with 17 students made up of 8 nationalities, elementary level, all waiting to see what you're going to do! They all survived - both trainees and students. Oh, and us, the trainers! Tired last night and didn't find anything inspiring on my evening walk out with the camera. This pic is the top of my little chest of drawers (more a bedside cabinet actually), which sits behind my bedroom door. I love flowers and buy them wherever I spend any time. Bought these carnations on my first night here (on Monday) and quite like them in the Nescafe jar. Two of my favourite things in harmony! Couldn't get fast enough connection to post this last night and was falling asleep. So back blipping now.

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