Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Redd WIne

This wasn't intended to be a blip when I shot it. My new lens arrived just after lunch, and naturally I had to take a few quick test shots. Then I took care of a couple of minor tasks on my to-do list before starting on the big one I've been dreading for a long time. I think I now know how Hercules felt when he was given the task of cleaning the Augean stables.

We've been talking about having our daylight basement finished ever since we moved into this house. We made an appointment for someone to take a look at it next week, and give us some design ideas and cost estimates. The problem is that we've accumulated so much stuff, and it was so disorganized, that there was hardly room to walk through it. C has been steadily sorting, packing and hauling things away to the thrift shop for weeks. I hadn't done much until today, and didn't know where to start. I pitched in and worked steadily for a few hours before stopping for a late dinner. It's looking better, though you wouldn't believe it if you hadn't seen it before we started.

After all that work, I didn't have the energy or inspiration to take any more photos, so I used the best of my test shots. Faithful followers of this journal will no doubt remember that this is the wine that made its debut at A Meal to Remember. I got carried away and bought a case of it. A few lucky people will be invited to help drink it.

P.S. I love the new lens

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