Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Memory Lane

Home to visit my parents again this weekend, so I decide to take a photographic detour on the way. I had planned to take some pictures over the mountain, but as good as my sense of direction is, it's no match for a SatNav, and I got hopelessly lost. Then it rained. So in true survival style, I headed for the coast.

I spent many summers here, my grandparents had a caravan nearby. It's not often you go back to your childhood haunts and they're better than you remember but this part of the country really is magic. Since living in Belfast I've tried to find a nice beach near there, but they just can't compete. They still let cars on here, which I hate, but it's rarely overly busy and it's just white sand as far as the eye can see. When we were kids we loved the beach, swimming and body-boarding in the sea, but the sand dunes were where the action was. It seemed like they went on forever (though I realised today that they're not quite as expansive as I thought!) and I remember riding bikes up and down the huge dunes until the sun went down. It was like our own little world.

I revisited all the old spots today and it was great, a proper nostalgia fest :)

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