The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Beautiful Shanghai

The Goose and I spent the whole day exploring bits and pieces of Shanghai.

Our first main stop was at the Postal Museum, which was a worthwhile stop mostly because we had some great interactions with the guards there and some children who happened to be visiting at the same time. One of the guards showed us the whole collection of 'Treasure Stamps', talking in rapid-fire Chinese (to which we could respond only a little) and then pointing us on our way to check out the roof-top garden. This picture captures the amazing view we had from there!

The rest of the day was spent visiting just a portion of the gigantic Shanghai Museum, people-watching, eating dumplings & other amazing food and taking a river cruise on the Huangpu River to see the Bund all lit up at night.

Loving Shanghai.

~The Gander

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