This day

By snapper

Heart attack!

Was in Dunoon to day, it rained on my parade most of the afternoon but as I was indoors that was fine. Dunoon has some quite interesting shops among which is the American cafe Java Walk which does lovely coffees etc and some good clothes shops

Was filming the P3's doing their play and right in the middle did my own phone no start vibrating, as it was in the top pocket of my shirt I clutched it tight to muffle the sound, think a few of the kids thought I was having a mild heart attack!

Stopped at Loch Fyne oysters to pick up stuff for tonights dinner. got some nice peppered mackeral ( I don't like fish, but hubby does so it my treat to him) Some of the younger wenches serving behind the counter could do with a few lessons in people skills! No please or thanky and I had to lean over the counter and pick up my own bag! If the lass serving was as diligent with the customers as she was with puttin on her layers of make up perhaps things would have been better!

Stopped at Inverary to go to the sweetie shop, bough cinnamon balls and Barrets sherbet, wooohooo I will be as high as a kite in a while!!!
Now there's a place that knows how to attract and treat its customers. All very polite and helpful, no wonder its stowed out with tourists!

Have decided if I don't get away with #2 daughter for a holiday I am still going to take two weeks off and try to go out to the Treshnish islands to get some puffin pictures. There were none when I went to St Kilda! Anyone fancy going?

Did you ever hear anything so ridiculous a s this?

Cellphones, Mobile Culture
British garbage collectors to get 1,500 BlackBerrys
By Vladislav Savov posted May 21st 2010 8:36AM
First it was the rozzers, now British bin men are getting BlackBerrys as part of their job equipment pack. Biffa, a private garbage collection firm responsible for cleaning up 25 local authorities around the UK, has agreed a £1.7 million ($2.44 million) deal with Vodafone for the provision of some 1,500 BlackBerry handsets along with dongles and 3G data cards. This somewhat curious capital investment has been made in order to allow drivers to download maps, collect data from customers, liaise with head office, and even take photos where necessary. The RIM phones will also allow Biffa to track its trucks' locations -- an option that's sure to get plenty of use, considering how much Brits love to keep an eye on things.

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