A little too late?

Possibly. hand, wrist and forearm have got no better today. Painkillers abound. Making me feel quite queasy if the truth be told. I am going to make an appointment at the Doctor's for later in the week - easier said than done trying to fit that around work! But it will be done. I fear though that this is an RSI and that I have been ignoring the signs for far too long.

This is all going on in my right hand. I use computers extensively, therefore it goes without saying that it is going to be my mouse hand.

Ironic maybe, that actually I am left handed. But not really. I am right hand dominant in everything except writing - that's the one thing I don't do with my right hand. Can't even hold a pen in my right hand. But I brush my hair, clean my teeth, use my hairdryer, hold my phone, use cooking utensils and knives, pick up the kettle, carry bags....everything...right handed. So life is a teensy bit troublesome right now! It even bloody hurts to lift a mug of tea up to my mouth - and those of you who know me will know that I am a real tea-belly and the prospect of missing out on my brew-skis will not please me. But holding a mug in my left hand feels wrong and precarious! There could be spillage, and boiling hot spillage at that, and that would make me grumpier still!

So, I have been out and purchased a graphics tablet so I can be a left handed computer user. I have also purchsed a gel wrist rests, and a far nicer and more ergonmically designed wireless mouse, as I am going to have to learn to use a mouse left handed to, just to give the righty a chance to recover. Its going to be a long few weeks at work I fear.

Good news though - the exam moderator came in, signed off our coursework, commended the standard of the students' work and asked that her comments be passed back to the students - which will be an absolute pleasure to do. Am pleased as punch, particularly as I was nervous about two of the units as they were new to me, but she actually said that the work on those units was exemplary. Which is nice :-)

Off to bed, as I have been stupidly sat here working for three hours.

Yes - at the computer.

I know, you just don't have to say anything!

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