Smells like...


not like Teen Spirit!

My hand has stopped aching quite so much today - but I suspect that is because I have been teaching rather than sat at my computer all day. Have enjoyed my lessons today, changes of groups, different dynamics in the room, a sense of purpose and less a sense of doing battle to keep the noise down. Trying to establish sound working relationships with one or two students who don't know me, but I know them - clear expectations, challenge, but then time to work with each other and for them to figure out that I do have their best interests at heart.

And a reminder today of why I do love my job so much. I got to tell half of the students who, yesterday, had their work validated by the examiner, that they had passed and that their work had been commended. I was a little choked to be honest which is not like me, but seeing them all, at the end of their exam, sat in silence, all looking at me, I felt really proud of what they have achieved so far. They still have some exams left, but we also know that they have a number of secure grades. The battles have been fought, and the winners were sat in front of me, because they are being successful. But the reward for me, apart from the big beaming smiles from them, was one of my students coming to me afterwards and saying thankyou "for everything you have done Miss, and to Sir too, because I couldn't have done it without you. You've done so much, it's just above and beyond and I really appreciate it" So to you, and the others who we know feel it, but don't necessarily articulate it - no problem. It is our job, but it is more than that, and we do it because we DO care. Thankyou - through words, or smiles, is worth all the battles, hard work, metaphorical "dragging you kicking and screaming".

Right - off to cook tea, and finish my lovely coffee. Never used to drink coffee. IN fact the smell of it when I was first pregnant with james used to make me physically sick. But every now and then I love a Latte, in the lovely glass Bodum thermally insulated mugs we got as a gift. Problem is, the coffee says warm for about an hour, but the mug doesn't get hot - so I forget everytime, take a slug of it and burn my tongue. You'd think I would learn. Oh no no no no.

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