Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Dirty Love

Manhandled the Dylanframe though the floods last night, to the bright lights and dark secrets lurking in downtown Baltinglass.

Met up with the Queen of Legal Eagles, M., who spends most of every waking hour within spitting distance of one kind of Bar or another, and she aint no ballerina.

She had a job for me. A dirty job, one of those sleazy infidelity keyhole-peeping, sheet-sniffing scuzzbucket numbers that pay the rent but deaden the spring in the sole of every gumshoe.

I got the skinny, and took the case, but under durex.(A private dick can never be too careful...).

So here it is...
(Turn away now if you want to keep your pancakes down where God intended)

Case 68-02/P&TBB.
Surveillance transcript;

Male; "You solid ride you...settle down now, and get that frilly skirt of yours sorted.."
Black Blonde; "Mmmmmm..."
Male; "I'm goin ta put me hot an tirsty mouth on ya..."
Black Blonde; "Cos I'm good for ya, baby"
Male; "I love ya more than anny woman alive..."

You dont need to hear any more.

This is the stinking cesspit I call my beat....

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