random rancid rambles

By rancidand


A pretty incomprehensible day.

At least I got to the gym. The machine wiper asked me if I wanted something wiped before I got on it. This guy should by now have worked out that I'm the guy that goes crazy and leaves the puddles under the aerobic machines and then goes and wets all the weights machines. He should be following me around looking angry, not offering to dry stuff before I get there. Maybe this is some sort of sarcasm.

And my juice man has been shut down. Wasn't there Thurs and Friday (when I had the hangover and really needed him) Was there Monday conmplaining that the papaya and mango had gone to waste and then Tues when I again dah a hangover he was not there again.

There's me worrying about my hangover cure, whilst this poor guy's livelihood is ruined and he is surrounded by rotting fruit - but I know he has another job, he is a laundretteur

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