random rancid rambles

By rancidand


Got served notice of redundancy - and the rain started.

Somehow this means I may be offered the chance to stay out here a further 3 months? Do these people know what they are doing? I'm sure they do.

The rain has stopped again, but it is still lightening.

I got the tip off cos my home colleagues had their meeting first thing UK time. I went in the Costa under the other office I had a meeting in and sat for a long time considering, then realised i was cutting it fine for my meeting. The rickshaw drivers wanted double the metered rate so I walked off and ended up walking all the way - it is actually hardly any distance, but I was a little sweaty on arrival.

The temptation is to drop the stress level (and thus work rate). I think the guys I'm working with in China and US are going to be incredulous. My consistent message to them is that we are under-resourced!

Oh well, back to the late nights - the world cup starts tomorrow - the game times (UK plus 4 1/2) equate to 5, 7:30 and 12 - but England games are late. Surely being under threat of redundancy means I can go home early - but can I face 4 1/2 hrs of footie a day. I'll let you know.

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