Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

The Bath Monster

I'm a morning person. I have no problem waking up when the alarm goes... I get up, have breakfast and some mornings I even take the dogs for a quick walk before getting ready for work. All plain sailing, until....

BATH TIME! I have to race Paddington to the bathroom every morning and I never get there first. The moment I start running the bath, he hangs over the edge of the bath and then quivers with delight when the water level rises high enough to touch his front paws.

Once I manage to get myself into the bath, he jumps onto the edge of the bath... On good days he will settle down and "guard me" from this vantage point. On wild days I'll have a hard time convincing him that it is, in actual fact, NOT his bath water and that it's NOT okay for him to climb in with me! Locking him out is not an option, as his scratching and howling outside the door breaks my heart (and will drive the neighbours insane). So, until I toughen up and ignore his pleading, I'll spend part of every morning wrestling my beloved Bath Monster:)

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