Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Sunny Daze

Came home tonight and despite the fact the last couple of days have been truly dricht, it was gorgeous. Probably made better by my mood since I got to go home early. Woop. :D

Went to a Chamber of Commerce course this afternoon about boosting visitor stats to your website. Was really really interesting but at the same time frustrating, because we're failing at so many of the points the guy brought up. Our company website was only revamped about 18 months ago (maybe not even that) so if I go in tomorrow and say 'oh it's got to get changed', my boss will be gutted. And what he's saying is right. In fact it was all things I thought myself when I looked at the website before my interview, but my boss loves it and spent so much time on it that I'd rather not completely crush her.

Ah well she's not back til Monday, I've got all weekend to stew about it. ;)

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