I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Rememberance revisited

Early start to the morning after dropping kids at school, a trip to M & S and a good cup of tea with my friend and soul sister Kath, I had a wander around the Clachan of Campsie.

The sun was splitting the sky and peace and quiet reigned as I wandered through the old graveyard and ruins of St Machans church. The headstones were vibrant with shadow and light and the birdsong was harmonic against the rumblings of the Old Kirk burn. Plenty to see and click but it was not the photographic opportunities that caught my eye, but a headstone and the wording on it that I had to post as my blip.

The grass was cut neatly around it so it did not provide unusual photographic backgrounds but it said.

Erected by Alexander Service
To the memory of Isabella Maclay
His spouse who performed the various
duties of a wife and mother with christian meekness, fidelity and affection.
She died of a typhus fever
11th december 1818
In the 38 1/2 year of her age.

Quite a reflective piece.
How far have we moved on in this modern society?
In his way and in his time, Alexander appeared to hold his wife in high esteem, and felt compelled to mark it for posterity on her final resting place.

Good on you Alexander, and now your dear wife has been brought from the corner of a beautiful wee graveyard to the attention of the computer age and your epitaph to her can be seen around the world. :)

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