This day

By snapper

Gone to the dogs!

A plootering about day, got some work finished with a bit more left to do.

Took doggies out for a nice plod

Took #2 daughter to a lady that would slightly alter her formal dress, a nip here and a tuck there, looks nice I have to say.

Got an invite to go to the local drama club doo but they want me to wear a dress!!! well I'm sorry but I don't posess such a thing! Will have to try #1 daughter's former fomal dress on tonight (secretly) to see if it will do the trick. Don't think I have a skirt either! God my late mother used to dispair of my lack of dress sense! Now there's an idea! I could try on her stuff and see if it fits after all its only a daft wee drama do and they are just Hell bent on making me wear a dress OR I could wear a kilt, I son't mind kilts only I don't have one of them either!! Bugger I may just stay at home or go inb breeks as usual, stuff them

TV boring, hubby on night shift, #2 daughter upstairs, dogs sleeping, rabbit digging his way out of the garden but keeps on meeting concrete, Hell mend him

Ach well I could have a small Southern Comfort, a well named dram me thinks!

Oidche mhath all
Have a good weekend, I'm off to Oban, work I'm afraid

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