...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Artist Rendering...

not a flower...but a weed.

But this weed is a beauty with the proper treatment! After all, Beauty is in the EYE of the beholder. And if the eye is the window to the soul...and you see art in a weed, then this heart must be of beauty and the soul a lovely vision of hope.

Is my cup half empty or half full? My cup runneth over today.


Thank you for you kind comments on my son's 'lock out' yesterday. Well, I got to work, and found that I had left my house keys in my jeans pocket, at home. So, I could have been locked out as well. But quick thinking...I text my my daughter and had her dig them out of my pocket and hide them in the yard. Whewwww!!! That was a close one!

Yes, mother...a rock with a hide-a-key, I heard you. Just not in time!!!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend my fellow Blipsters!!!!

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