All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Gummy Fingers

Aunty Foreveryoung stayed over again last night and had lots of playtime with Ethan this morning, which let me start packing for our holiday next week. My head is swimming at the amount of things we'll need to take with us. I have no idea how it will all fit in the car!

After she went home late morning, hubbie, Ethan and I just had a relaxing day at home, apart from a quick trip to Boots in the afternoon.

Ethan still isn't sleeping well at nights so hubbie and I were both pretty tired. He goes off to sleep at bedtime without too much of a fuss but only if he falls asleep during a breastfeed or if we give him a dummy. However, he wakes after about 5 hours and then just will not go back to sleep without a comfort feed and I'm struggling to break this habit. I'm also suffering from insomnia and it seems that I've only just finally managed to drop off when he wakes up again. Once he has woken the first time during the night, he then won't sleep for any longer than about 2 hours before waking again and so the pattern continues. Zzzzzzzzzz.

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