All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


As hubbie is on annual leave for the next fortnight, he got up with Ethan after I fed him this morning to let me have a lie-in. In fact, not only did he do that, he drove my car to the garage at 8.30am as it was booked in for a service & MOT and then walked back with Ethan. As hubbie doesn't "do" walking, and it was an hours walk, I was really impressed by this! I wasn't so impressed by the bill when we went back later on to pick it up. These things always cost more than I think they will - ouch!

Ethan is 6 months old today. Everyone always says to cherish the baby days as they go so quickly but I'm still amazed by how the days are flying by. I know I talk a lot about breastfeeding issues I've had and how I'm tired but I hope it doesn't seem like I'm moaning all the time. I adore my little boy and just can't imagine what I did with my life before him. I just didn't expect the sleepless nights to still be as bad 6 months down the line. But even in my most sleep deprived state, I still pinch myself and think how lucky I am to have him. :-)

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