The bubble boy.

Me and J went to the dentist this morning. We've kept the same dentist we had when living in Leith so it's a pain to get to, especially when J's missing school. The traffic along Ferry Rd was horrible so I drove along the wee Streets of Trinity (that's a posh bit of Edinburgh). I ended up taking longer and using more fuel (I think) than if I'd just sat in the queues.

I then parked miles away from the dentist, which we were a tiny bit late for by then. We had to run. J had his crocs on which are not good for running in (crocs because his shoes were still wet inside from me washing them yesterday).

We got there and had to wait anyway. Once we'd been seen and I was signing the paperwork, my eyes felt dazzled. I started to feel strange but managed to appear normalish whilst sorting out our next appointment. Then we stepped into the sunshine and my vision fractured and the light was almost unbearable........migraine! What a pain in the arse.

I couldn't drive back because I couldn't see properly. Luckily my sister lives quite close by and her partner was in and collected us.

Went to bed as soon as I got back to house and my body felt as though it was part of the mattress. Not completely unpleasant feeling.

Bit better now but I'd best get to bed.

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