
By willcarroll

Life is a slow journey, and that's okay with me

...the words this evening of a friend who has been walking with Christ for 34 years.

How easy it is to be impatient. I certainly was this morning. Hand-brake on, out of gear on the M8. And yet it is in the times when we don't expect to be still that we are freed to be part of our surroundings.

We are conditioned by society that we ought to be "individuals"- to decide where we want to go in life, and to push to get there. We are told that we should take advantage of the opportunities life presents, before they are out of our reach.

But what if that which our sights are set on isn't going anywhere? That changes the rhythm of life... Then it doesn't matter how fast you get there, so there's no need to get out of breath. Then you don't have to fight to the front of the queue, and you can savour the waiting.

Hand-brake on. Out of gear.

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