Picture Consequences

By consequences

Up close and personal

Adam was confused. Lately his life seemed to have been nothing but old ladies.

Unfortunately, the charming Joe took his confusion for non-cooperation. Moving quickly towards Adam, he slammed him against the gate; for a moment, Adam felt the roughness of rusty metal against his cheek until he bounced back. The policeman grabbed him, and putting his face close to Adam's, spat out "stop pissing about, son. You know who we mean."

Playing up to her good cop role, the WPC said "we're talking about your grandmother Adam, as well you know. And some interested parties would dearly like to know where she is."

Pushing him against the gate again, this time the policeman didn't grab Adam, instead backing off and letting his partner talk to him. Adam drew his hand across his mouth, wiping away blood that was seeping from his bottom lip. He spat on the ground, grimacing.

"What makes you think I know where she is?" he replied. "I'm as much in the dark as anyone."

The policeman made as if to move towards him, but his partner put out her arm to stop him.

"Come on Sal," he growled, "I'll get it out of him."

Suspecting this was all part of their double act didn't make Adam feel any less intimidated. Flinching, he said "look, I don't know where she is, alright? I mean, I saw her the other Sunday and she said she was going away. She never said where, and she never said why. Anyway, why do you want to know?"

"None of your business, pal," roared the policeman. "Just tell us what we want to know, and you can go on your way."

Adam tried appealing to the policewoman. "Look, I'm telling the truth here. I'd help you if I could, but I can't even think with him shouting. Can't you keep that wanker under control?"

Snarling "right, you little..." Joe rushed at him and flung him against the gate again. This time though, as Adam rebounded, he lost his footing and fell to the floor, cracking his head on the cobbles.

As the world went from grey to black, the last words he heard were the policewoman saying "Joe, you idiot. Now look what you've..."

Part Two begins here.

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